Going Paperless – The options and what to keep in mind when preparing an eBrief

Going paperless (or maybe paper light) is something that has been a focus for many law firms who have been working toward the goal of a paperless practice for some time. For others, a paperless environment may have been somewhat forced upon them thanks to the COVID19 pandemic that has upended so much about our lives in 2020. Either way, there are no doubt many adjustments that have had to be made in your practice and electronic briefing of counsel is likely to be one of them.

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Six tips for email communication

Hasn’t communication come a long way?  It wasn’t that long ago when we sent our letters by snail mail.  Then there was fax (accompanied by spam fax – did anyone ever take up those holiday offers?) 

Then came email (letter to follow by post).  

Today, email has completely revolutionised the world of business communication, replacing the time consuming nature of writing, posting an receiving return letters.  

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Legal Practice Management Systems - The What, Why, Which

If you’re thinking about starting your own law firm or have already done so, one thing that you might be giving thought to is whether your firm will operate practice management software. You might wonder do we really need it? Is it worth the cost? Will it make things easier?  If the answer you came up with is yes, yes, yes, then your next step is working out what the right practice management system looks like to you.

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katie leupin
How are you using your time?

Running your own legal practice is hard work.  You’re wearing all the hats, all the time and it’s just plain exhausting.  It can be all to easy to find yourself stuck in a rut, constantly chasing your own tail, struggling to move forward in your business.

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How Solo Attorney Joleena Louis boosted productivity through partnering with a Virtual Assistant

When it comes to running a solo, boutique or virtual law firm, it’s not uncommon for lawyers to find the administrative side of things overwhelming to say the least.  With so many things competing for your attention on a daily basis, you can quickly find yourself juggling or multi-tasking, focusing on the legal work at the expense of the business development and administration or vice-verca.  

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