Pricing Information



Working with us on an hourly rate is a great starter option well suited to new clients who may not be sure about a long term commitment or are unsure what their support requirements might be.

Standard turnaround times for completion of work can vary from between 24 to 72 hours (unless an urgent job request is submitted) and is dependent upon availability and the complexity of the task. Availability of time is not guaranteed for ad-hoc or short term clients on hourly rates.

All time worked is recorded in our time tracking software and full descriptive time reports can be provided on request.

Urgent requests for same day turnaround incur a 25% surcharge


PRepaid Retainer

Retainer hours are prepaid and can be purchased in blocks of 10 or 20 hours. Our prepaid retainer is suited to clients who want access to guaranteed availability and hours on an ongoing basis.

Retainer hours are also suited to clients who are ready progress from our hourly rate option.

Retainer hours are subject to a 10% discount.

When a set amount of hours are purchased on retainer, these hours are secured for use across the month. The Standard turnaround times for completion of work can vary from between 24 to 72 hours (unless an urgent job request is submitted) and is dependent upon availability and the complexity of the task.

All time worked is recorded in our time tracking software and full descriptive time reports can be provided on request. Retainer hours have a one month expiry and are not rolled over unless otherwise negotiated. Unless prior agreement is in place i.e. project work, effort should be made to ensure that hours are consumed within the month and not utilised in bulk as this affects our ability to provide consistent service to our clients.

Once the retainer hours have been exceeded time charged will revert to the hourly rate of $85 per hour or a further block or hours can be purchased.

Urgent requests for same day turnaround incur a 25% surcharge